The Greatest Online Magic School in the World

Steve Valentine’s

Magic On The Go!

Be a Better Magician

Immerse yourself in over


brilliantly curated magic video tutorials,

All for less than a dollar a day!

If you’re a pro, or amateur you’d be INSANE not to use this resource
— Matt Disero
The best kept secret in magic
— Billy Kidd

An Encyclopedia of Magic in Your Pocket!

'like Netflix, but for magicians

— Chris Philpott

Steve Valentine is a magnificent magician and teacher!

— Paul Green

Magic On The Go is simply the best out there!

— Paul Romhany



“I love magicians that love the craft.  The details. God's in the minutia.

You should really check out Steve Valentine's magiconthego.com I'm late to the game on this but I've finally had the time to dig into it. 

If you're a pro, or amateur you'd be INSANE not to use this resource. Its like, a buck a day. The material is so wide and diverse. It fills me with joy to see the details on this stuff. 

Not to kiss any ass here, but it may well have been the thing that pulled me out of 2 years of magic depression, and believe me its been a battle.

Forgotten bits that need to be seen again, details, deep dives. It’s what you got into this for ( and the green rooms, parties and drugs, of course ) point is I URGE you to check this out. 

He's got the work on some really cool stuff.

Its the old thing you know, buy a book and if you get one bit out of it, totally worth the money...right?

There's a show in this site if you choose to look.

So there's my recco for the day.

Again, I'm casually friends with him, I'm not whoring for him in any real way, I just think its a killer resource up there with card college, royal road etc. 

Hat tip.

A pro tipping the work, c'mon man, hard to put price on that elbow knowledge.  ”

— Matt Disero


Independent magic reviewer, Steve Faulkner, recently gave a brutally honest review, check it out for yourself…

Steve Valentine Explains it all

Who is Steve ?

Many don’t realize that Steve Valentine is world class, multi-award winning sleight of hand artist.

From headlining in Las Vegas and at Hollywood’s world famous Magic Castle (™) to performing for troops in the middle of a war and being the guest of… certain Royalty.

Not only has he starred in the most successful touring magic show in the world, ‘The Illusionists’,

and created his own one man show ‘Life and Other Deceptions’

but four years ago Steve decided to create a global online subscription service to help magicians, amateur and professional, not only learn better magic and improve their craft, but also improve their performances.

Since then his unique OTT service,

Magic On The Go

has grown into a global force.

Here’s just a taste of the video content available on Magic On The Go.

and so much more…